
Individual Therapy: I provide individual therapy to children and adolescents (ages 4-18), young adults, adults, and families. Therapy is typically once a week, in 50-minute appointments. Depending on someone’s distress or need, however, frequency can be more (2-3 times per week) or less (every other week). My therapeutic style is psychodynamic (e.g., I ask a lot of questions instead of telling you exactly what to do), direct (e.g., I make observations of patterns that I see in your behavior and see if you agree/disagree), and sometimes funny (e.g., I’ve been known to crack a joke or two).
Family Therapy: I also work with families who are struggling to connect, having difficulties communicating effectively, or are tackling a major life event and need support. Family therapy can come in many different forms – whether it’s between parent and child, two adults who are trying to co-parent, or struggling siblings. Sessions are typically 50-60 minutes and can occur at different frequencies (typically weekly or every-other week).

There are many different types of assessments that psychologists can perform. Below is a brief summary of some of the more common types of assessment that I provide. The reason for referral will dictate which assessments are necessary.
Please contact me for a free assessment consultation.
If I do not have expertise in the area which you need help, I am happy to refer you to another psychologist who does!
Cognitive testing evaluates an individual’s intellectual abilities (also known as IQ) and typically identifies areas of relative strengths and vulnerabilities in the verbal, visual processing, fluid reasoning, working memory, and processing realms. This information can be helpful if there are questions about an individual’s inherent abilities and difficulties with academic or employment performances.
Educational Testing evaluates the knowledge that one has acquired at school across the typical skills sets (e.g., math, writing, reading) and compares the individual’s performance to others their age or grade. This information can be helpful when compared to the cognitive assessment results; if there is a large discrepancy between cognitive abilities and educational skills, this can denote areas where one may benefit from targeted interventions (e.g., reading programs for those who suffer from dyslexia, extra time on testing for those who struggle with attention problems etc.).
Social/Emotional assessments focus on potential factors which contribute to changes in an individual's mood, behavior, or day-to-day functioning. Examples of these factors include traumatic events, a culmination of life transitions, a shift in how the individual experiences the world, or a significant change in other areas of their life (e.g., identity, friend-group, family relationships). These assessments usually include an interview with the individual and completion of standardized questionnaires that assess possible mental difficulties in targeted areas, such as anxiety, depression, and attention.
​The term “forensic psychology" is a blanket term for any time psychology and law intersect. Forensic psychological evaluations are used in both civil courts (such as with parenting evaluations, psychosocial evaluations, bonding evaluations, etc.) and criminal courts (such as threat or risk assessments, psychological evaluations). I am certified and experienced to do some types of forensic evaluations and would be happy to speak with you about whether my skill set meets your needs.
Neuropsychological Testing
Neuropsychological testing is typically performed on individuals who have suffered a neurological injury (such as a traumatic brain injury) or there is concern about organic brain differences. Recently, however, families and schools are looking to neurological tests to provide insight into specific cognitive vulnerabilities. Neuropsychological testing can investigate concerns with attention span/ADHD, memory, impulse control, developmental delays, and verbal/visual processing with the aim of providing targeted interventions to use in the classroom and at home. These tests can be performed by a trained clinical psychologist (such as myself) or a neuropsychologist.
I provide document and report review to help digest large amounts of mental health information for individuals outside of the field, such as lawyers, parents, and educators. I also provide trainings to groups of individuals, both within and outside of the mental health profession. Some topics which I have covered include introductions to mental health, risk-assessment and crisis-response, trauma-informed practices, juvenile justice, and a consumers guide to assessment.
I provide individual and group supervision in both New York and New Jersey to trainees and early-career mental health clinicians (psychologists, social-workers, LCATs, and mental health counselors). I have experience supervising psychologists, social-workers, creative arts therapists, and licensed mental health counselors.